Books, Chapters, & Special Issues
Huang, L.-S., Khatri, R., & Alhemaid, A. (2023). Enhancing learning through formative assessment: Evidence-based strategies for implementing learner reflection in higher education (pp. 59-73). Global perspectives on higher education: From crisis to opportunity. Springer.
Huang, L.-S. (forthcoming). Activities for building teachers’ toolkit and implementing action research. In Coombe, C., & Hiasat, L. (Eds.), Getting English language teachers research ready. Springer.
Huang, L.-S. (2021). Improving learner reflection for TESOL: Pedagogical strategies to support reflective learning. Routledge. (ISBNs: 978-0-36-737138-8; 978-0-42-935283-6)
Huang, L.-S. (2021). Learner strategies. In H. Mohebbi, H. & C. Coombe (Eds.), Research questions in language education and applied linguistics: A reference guide. Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-030-79142-1)
Huang, L.-S. (2021). Needs analysis. In H. Mohebbi, H. & C. Coombe (Eds.), Research questions in language education and applied linguistics: A reference guide. Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-030-79142-1)
Huang, L.-S. (2021). Chapter 6: (Mis)use of high-stakes standardized tests for multiple purposes in Canada? A call for an evidence-based approach to language testing and realignment of instruction. In Lanteigne, B., Coombe, C., & D. Brown (Eds.), Challenges in language testing around the world: Insights for language test users. Springer.
Huang, L.-S. (Ed.). (2018). Special Issue: The shifting landscape of professional self-development for ELT professionals. TESL Canada Journal, 35(2), i-193.
Huang, L.-S. (2018). Using corpora in teaching spoken grammar. In C. Rylance & A, Kevech (Eds.), New ways of teaching grammar. TESOL Press.
Huang, L.-S. (2018). Tasks for teaching pronunciation to advanced learners. TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley.
Huang, L.-S. (2018). Teaching speaking to adult learners. TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley.
Huang, L.-S. (2018). Corpus-based instruction. TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley.
Huang, L.-S. (2013). Chapter 8: What can we learn from certified ski instructors about teaching academic speaking skills? In C. Stillwell (Ed.), Language teaching insights from other fields: Sports, arts, design, and more (pp. 77-87). TESOL Press.
Huang, L.-S. (2011). Language learners as language researchers: The acquisition of English grammar through a corpus-aided discovery learning approach mediated by intra- and inter-personal dialogues. In J. Newman, S. Rice, & H. Baayen (Eds.), Corpus-based studies in language documentation, use, and learning (pp. 91-122). Rodopi Press.
Huang, L.-S. (2010). Academic communication skills: Conversation strategies for international graduate students. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Pp. 128. (ISBN 978-0-7618-5280-3)
Huang, L.-S. (2009). Raising awareness of strategy use in speaking: An exploration of advanced adult second language learners’ reported strategy use and oral language production. Pp. 192. (ISBN 978-3-8383-0303-1)
Huang, L.-S. (2000). Chapter Three: Is native-like competency an attainable goal? – An investigation of an exceptionally accomplished adult foreign language learner. In J. Hung, V. Berry, V. Crew, & Davison, C. (Eds.). Discourses and developing in language education (pp. 29-45). The Chinese University of Hong Kong, vii+234. (ISBN 926-86103-1-7)